Education Intervention

Through our Education Assistance and Support programme, we provide various levels of assistance to students and their families through various initiatives.

The Joseph Ezeagwula Memorial Scholarship (JEMS)

The Joseph Ezeagwula Memorial Scholarship (JEMS) programme funds full tuition and fees for promising underprivileged youths in our community, who otherwise may never could acquire university education. 



Back to school

Our annual Back to School programme ensures that primary and secondary school age children in our community go to school and stay in school. Each child receives a backpack stuffed with books and recourses for the year. Included in our Back to School is the Happy Feet initiatives which provides shoes for the children as many in our community walk to school and about without shoes to protect their feet. In additions, we provide professional development and classroom resources for the local community teachers to help hone their skills and enhance teaching and learning to benefit the children.

Children reading from a CCI Mobile library

Mobile Library

We Educate, Captivate and Inspire children through the instrumentation of books. With no public library or any other access to books our mobile library grants children in underserved communities access to reading books and enables us instill the love of reading in our community’s children, allowing them to activate their curiosity, develop their minds and see the world through books.

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